IT Energy Cost Calculator
Calculate the running costs of your office IT systems
We’re all aware of the rising cost of living, including the increasing cost of energy. But do you know how much energy your business IT systems use and, more importantly, how much they cost? There are many factors that can affect your monthly energy costs, such as the age and efficiency of your devices. Older, less efficient devices will use more energy and incur higher costs.
To help you understand your energy costs, we’ve created a calculator that estimates how much you should be spending on energy each month to keep your business running. The calculator is based on an 8-hour workday, 5 days a week, and assumes that items like servers, routers, and switches are always on and not in standby mode. It also uses example hardware that is relatively new, so the energy usage and costs may vary depending on the specific equipment you use.
Using the calculator, you can input information about your business IT systems, such as the number and type of devices you have. The calculator will provide an estimated monthly energy cost. This can serve as a baseline cost that you can use to gauge how much you should expect to pay for energy each month. By regularly tracking your energy usage and costs, you can identify opportunities for reducing your energy consumption and lowering your overall energy bills.

How to use the calculator
To use the calculator, simply enter the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) charged by your energy supplier and the number of devices you have in each category. The calculator will then provide an estimated monthly energy cost based on the information you’ve provided.
Want to learn more, Or find out if you can reduce your energy costs?

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My goal is to learn about your business and how you work, from which, I’ll be able to make practical recommendations on how you can improve your operational efficiency, and make more money, by better utilising tech.