
How to get the perfect video call setup, whatever your budget

How to get the perfect video call setup, whatever your budget

Ever been on a video call, and the other person looks and sounds AWFUL?

Perhaps they’re staring down at a laptop webcam (never a great angle). And they’re badly lit so look like a criminal. And have a cheap microphone which makes them sound like they’re on a bad phone call?

Video calls are here to stay. If there’s any risk your team are video calling like this, it’s time to give them an upgrade.

We have advice on improving video calls for all budgets in our new guide.

Download your copy instantly.

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We choose not to work with every business that’s looking for a new IT support company. We need to make sure you’re a good fit for us, while you’re checking we’re a good fit for you.

The next step is to book a 15 minute video call at a time that suits you. There’s no obligation to buy anything, ever. Here’s our live calendar: