
Human error – Your biggest cyber security risk

In today’s digital landscape, small and medium-sized businesses have become prime targets for various cyber attacks. Surprisingly, the weakest link in the security chain is often found within organizations themselves: their people. That’s why implementing robust cyber security awareness training is crucial for every individual within your business. But before diving into training, you need a well-defined strategy.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the current level of security knowledge among your team?
  • What are the most significant risks to your business?
  • How can you create an effective training plan?
  • How will you measure the success of your training efforts?

At Everon, we understand the pressing need to address these questions. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive guide that provides all the necessary insights and tools to help you navigate through these challenges. Gain valuable knowledge by downloading our latest guide for free.

But where do you start? What data should you back up? How frequently should you perform backups? What kind of backup solution should you choose? These questions can be overwhelming, but fret not! Our newly released free guide has got you covered.


We choose not to work with every business that’s looking for a new IT support company. We need to make sure you’re a good fit for us, while you’re checking we’re a good fit for you.

The next step is to book a 15 minute video call at a time that suits you. There’s no obligation to buy anything, ever. Here’s our live calendar: